Saturday, February 28, 2009


Iwent through the camera and found these pictures of Thanksgiving at mom and dads house. This is the first trips that Paige and Laurien made after coming to live with us. It is also the farthest they have ever been from home. As for other trips since thanksgiving we went to Colorado for Coltons blessing. Talk about a long drive with girls who have never been in a car for more than a hour and a half trip to mom and dads house. They did really good and had a great time at Chad and Tara's house. I also want to thank Samantha for sleeping with me because Troy couldn't come and I needed company. Since the girls have come to live with us we have been reading a lot more which is good for all of us. I have been reading The Girl Who Could Fly to them. I think it is a great book and all of you should read it. As for other news, I am now the first counsler in the Relief Socity presidency, Troy is still the Elders Quorum President. We are both still working our same jobs and the kids are in school. Tyler is staying with mom and dad and is doing great. His grades are coming up and he is catching up. Thank you mom and dad. Megan is doing great in school. She is also in dance. She went to her first church dance about a week ago. Paige is doing much better in school and loves to help with anything. Laurien is also doing much better in school and loves to help as well. Tonight Troy taught them how to shoot a bow. They have spent hours out back shooting and are loving it. The girls have adapted very well to living at with us and we look forward to watching them improve.


Michelle said...

Thanks! was that so hard? so glad to see some new pictures of everyone and to hear what is going on! miss you!

Anonymous said...

Wow, those pics are really cute. It looks like everyone is having a lot of fun. Nice to see a post!

Zeb said...

Sounds like things are really busy, but that's a good thing. It also sounds like all your girls are doing well. And good for Tyler for working hard and doing well in school. I hope things stay on such a good track.

Leah said...

Hooray for a post! I got out of the habit of checking your blog! I'm glad things are going so well. We think about you a lot.

Zeb said...

I usually have the sound off when I visit your blog. This time "Shot to the Heart" came blasting through the speakers when I logged on. WOW! Go Bon Jovi!